I’ve done a 1PB sync between a pair of 8-node SAN clusters as one was being physically moved since it’d be faster to seed the data and start a delta sync rather than try to do it all over a 10Gb pipe. M
Put the people in an MRI machine prior to competition. If they hesitate, they’re disqualified.
I’d just be happy if there was a way to restore my messages from Android to iOS (or vice-versa). I’m going to lose my messages from the past 4 years because of this. And it’s been an open request with the devs for 5 years now.
Don’t know if this is more liberal or socialist, but I believe that I am doing well enough and want to help out my fellow man because when we all do better, society as a whole does better. I believe that the people hoarding money have a disease and we have enabled it through the focus we’ve put on money, that 0.1% can be better spent in general for everyone. Finally I don’t think the government should be getting in the way of personal rights, specifically between consenting adults. To that end, I support (most) abortions. Technically it’s a lump of cells that can’t support itself. I support marriages between any two consent capable adults regardless of their gender. I support the right to say your gender is whatever it is. In none of those situations would those actions directly affect someone else not involved. I could go on, but those are some examples.
Evil is when you get two kids that order nuggets you only put an extra in one and watch them fight over it.
Repost, like and reply are metrics that can be used to gauge how popular posts are, by removing that they can push whatever they want as “popular” with no real way of knowing. This of Netflix Topn 10 with no insight into the metrics.
Another thing to your point is most clients now support blocking communities or entire instances, so by doing this you’re leaving the power and the choice to the users to block as they want at a client level.