same tbh
updog for you
downbear for midterms
unfortunately if this happens there is no way to fix you
Does anyone remember that string of numbers that people would post on reddit, and then all the comments would be like “oh god” “ugh my trauma” etc, because it was the url for some hentai story that was supposed to be heartbreaking? I feel like that would be a good candidate, assuming it also has a word-based title so you don’t have to go around saying “have you seen 2141335649?” or whatever.
I dunno, I’m realizing I don’t know any horrific hentai offhand. I guess you could just say “teletubbies rule 34” or something, instead of a specific title. Tbh I’d just say goatse for this bit, because I’m old.
Edit: apparently it was 177013, Emergence. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure that’s too generic a title to just say “have you seen Emergence?” Also they later changed the title to metamorphosis, which is no better. Apparently there are other “cursed numbers” too, but I have run out of interest / attention span to research further.
This has been pretty widely discussed under the name “the double empathy problem”, although as always it’s good to have more actual data. The general gist in the existing discussion is that autistic people and allistic people have trouble with each other’s communication styles, but this is treated as a communication deficit in autistic people rather than two different styles that have difficulty understanding each other. An analogy might be a minority that (poorly) speaks the language of the majority, and then is considered stupid despite the fact that they are bilingual and none of the people they’re speaking to have made an effort to learn the minority language.
I wasn’t sure to what extent this was autistic community in-group jargon, so I spent time trying to loosely explain it, when it turns out that a quick Google to check whether I’m crazy indicates it’s pretty well established and I could probably have just linked the Wikipedia page.
that phrase is to biology as “donde esta la biblioteca” is to spanish
Probably Wayne Gretzky? I don’t even know anything about ice hockey and I know he’s supposed to be the most dominant player of any sport. Like he and his brother have the record for highest combined goals of any pair of brothers: 2,857 by Wayne, 4 by Brent. If you take away all his goals, he’d be the highest scoring player of all time on assists alone. There have been 13 times when a player has scored over 100 goals in a season in NHL history: Lemieux (once), Orr (once), and Gretzy (eleven times in a row). He retired last century and still holds 57 records. I’m not gonna keep picking out examples but there’s a bunch more facts like this that sound like the old “chuck norris facts” meme but are actually true.
“If you don’t know anything about ice hockey why do you have all these facts on hand?” - I remembered seeing this kind of list before so I did a quick Google.
Edit: I’m seeing some different exact figures for some of these, but the general principle stands and I’m not invested enough in hockey facts to nail down which numbers are exactly right.
missed opportunity to mention to volume of a pizza pie with radius z and depth a
this seems like something that would get built in dwarf fortress