That’s a really good explanation. I would just add that I find easier to search for orphans with git log --graph --reflog
than using `git reflog directly, especially if it’s one of the top entries in the reflog.
I’m not familiar with C tooling, but I have done multiple projects in C++ (in a professionnel environnement) and AFAIK the tooling is the same. Tooling to C++ is a nightmare, and that’s and understatement. Most of the difficulty is self inflicted like not using cmake/meson but a custom build system, relying on system library instead of using Conan or vcpkg, not using smart-pointers,… but adding basically anything (LSP, code coverage, a new dependency, clang-format, clang-tidy, …) is horrible in those environments. And if you compare the quality of those tools to the one of other language, they are not even close. For exemple the lint given by clang-tidy to the one of Rust clippy.
If it took no more than an hour to add any of those tools to a legacy C project, then yes it would be disingenuous to not compare C + tooling with Rust, but unfortunately it’s not.
As a rough estimation, if you include everything (apperance, discussion, functionality, interaction with other controls, …) I would say that every single input field or button is about a day of work. And then you start to realise how many buttons there is in any GUI and how much it will cost.
Usually when people say “I suck at maths”, it means that they are bad at doing manual calculus. Maths is extremely useful in programming, but it’s absolutely not the same kind of math. I don’t think that the grade you had in math at school will influence in any if you will be good or bad in programming.
There take on what they call capabitilites is very interesting. Basically anything that would make a function non-pure seems to be declared explicitely.
A computational effect or an “effectful” computation is one which relies on or changes elements that are outside of its immediate environment. Some examples of effectful actions that a function might take are:
- writing to a database
- throwing an exception
- making a network call
- getting a random number
- altering a global variable
That’s a very, very good read on how to make a very complex C project safer in practice. To sum-up: make it possible to introduce new module in a memory safe language (Rust in this case), make it harder to write bugs in C since the C part is not going to disappear overnight, and use as much tooling as you can to find any existing or newly introduced bugs (both memory bugs a logique error).
That’s really a nice addition
That’s an interesting idea, but as someone else pointed using a voice modulator would be much better. Technical skills are importants, but human behaviors too. I would not trade a nice average coworker for someone who is better technically but doesn’t know how to communicate. And typing is complementary, not a replacement for voice communication since the amont of information you can share in a minute is 3-5 times higher by voice.