roseateOculi [she/her,none/use name]
Where are the Volcel Police when we need them???
“But rEaDiNg iS HaRd”
Thanks for posting a link to some solid trans theory; I have more than a few people to share it with.
@VolcelPolice Help Im scared
Woman legs in the video: slender, sculpted, and completely free of hair or blemishes
Man legs in the video: looks like you took a picture of dennis prager’s hairy meat sticks walking to the bathroom at 2 am
hOw cOuLd aNyOnE Be aTtRaCtEd tO MaLe lEgS!!!
Invite the ones you like to a separate server or hang out with them on your own terms. Dont put up with chuddery if theyre making you uncomfortable or bullying you for your beliefs. It sounds like only some of these guys are your friends, so dont worry about the ones that arent (even if they are friends of friends)
Cocaine is basically a shitty adderall with bad business ideas injected into it
Honestly the burnout is real. Im still in undergrad but holy shit has this semester been awful. I just finished my first break in 16 weeks and still had work due during it. I havent had time to just exist in months and its killing me. I wish you luck, comrade.
“Any script that isnt cyrillic or latin is chinese” ~Republicans