sindikat [he/him]
I’ve expected dependent type theory nerd joke tbh
Uhhhh… no disrespect (I’ve lived in East Midlands in England), but you sound like a AI-generated text or a cop.
OP, have you seen The Raid: Redemption?
I remember I once went to Die Hard 5 (or whatever it was, basically Bruce Willis goes to Moscow), and I fucking hated it. I’ve grown up on Schwarzenegger, Stallone, etc, so I wondered: the movie has all the helicopter explosions and shootouts, so why didn’t I like it? Why was I exhausted by it? And I realized: the plot was awful, but the action didn’t need plot. So instead of sacrificing the plot for 100% quality action, I got shit action and shit plot. So I always wanted a movie just like yours: the movie literally starts with a fucking explosion or something, and it’s just non-stop gunfights & car chases and shit, with zero story.
Then I watch The Raid, and it’s exactly that. The plot is minimal (but not meaningless, you get the required minimum of backstory to root for the main hero, and understand who bad guys are and why they’re bad). It stupid as shit, it’s very self-aware that it’s stupid, and it’s so much fun. Favorite action movie of all times.
Tbh I’m the kind of dummy-dumb who needs subtext explained to him “you do realize Tyler Durden is actually a bad guy”-style. But even then, when I watched BB I couldn’t fathom how so many hated Skylar even though for all her flaws she was actually a good person trying to piece her family back together and the only real hero in the story. Too bad the story isn’t about her but about “the quest to rediscover lost masculinity” or some shit. Sometimes I think a feminist version of BB, where Skylar is the protagonist, whose life slowly sinks into a Kafkaesque horror, would be a better show.
Loved it initially, couldn’t finish Season 4. Got too tired of Flint’s psychopathy and the writers artificially creating conflict between characters to move the plot along. It’s popular among leftists for some reason, dunno why.