sindikat [he/him]
No One Is Horny
I remember listening to the Behind the Bastards episode on the Dutch East India Company—most psychopathic thing I’ve ever learned in history.
I’m just here to state that this in no way reflects poorly on the 444 guys named from Leonadas1 to Leonadas444.
Somebody’s pushing the pro-bird agenda here.
Yeah, before that conversation I barely realized how big racism against Roma is in Romania. It was weird how she tried to frame this supposed problem as a unique phenomenon, even though her arguments were indistinguishable from the attitudes you’d find in the US against Black people, in the UK against Muslims, in Russia against Tajik immigrant workers etc. Same rhetoric, same justifications. I guess you can afford to be woke about other races when you’re a Romanian student in the UK, but at home you’re just “this is different, you don’t get it”.
So I was friends with this Romanian girl, right. She was superwoke, extremely feminist, very anti-Islamophobia and anti racism against Black people or whatnot. We would spend countless hours discussing feminism, everything from guys wearing t-shirts with naked women on them to using birth control pills for PMS.
One day we’re drinking coffee at some coffeeshop, and she goes off on this long-winded rant about how Roma people are anti-social criminals and a scourge on Romanian society. I couldn’t believe my ears. I naïvely tried to steer the conversation to be more constructive and asked her how she’d solve the problem as she perceives it. She basically said that the only constructive solution is to steal their children and forcefully re-educate them away from their parents and culture.
To this day I feel like this guy, when I think of that conversation.