Couldn’t the local government actually control that if they wanted to?
I’m sure the people want the islands left alone as much as possible, and that’s fair to keep it protected. They are an island in the middle of the ocean, something could definitely be done.
Outside of maybe the military or Federal govt, I’m pretty sure the local government could put limits on tourism into the islands. I mean hell, there’s a wait-list for masters tickets (or used to be, I think it’s a lottery now but I don’t watch sports, have just heard about it), why not the same for limiting access to such a precious place.
Give people that have immediate family on the islands access, and anyone else goes on a wait list or a lottery. Obviously it’s more complicated than that but the idea is a start. But there’s probably (definitely) people making money off the tourists and in people’s pockets so that will likely never happen.
There are all kinds of things/places in the US that are restricted or require some hoop jumping to access. This, while a bit on a “larger” scale since it is an entire state, does not seem impossible.
redacted is good but it is quite difficult to get into unless you know someone.
This is probably just a use of different words to not sound repetitive.
Before anyone starts screaming at me. I’m not taking sides.
The whole thing is fucked and I don’t know enough about it all to form an educated opinion. Ethnic genocide does appear to be what’s happening with my limited knowledge and that is insane, but even in this day and age I am not surprised in the least. That’s as far as my opinion goes on the matter.
There are some tools out there to rip the DRM out of those.
Thank you for that.
It didn’t help but it definitely got me moving in the right direction. I remembered that I recently (yesterday) enabled the testing and kde-unstable repos in my system so I could install Plasma 6.1 to check it out. Prior to this change I had CM working properly but was having issues getting CSP to work. Well, I figured out a workaround to getting CSP to work (after this change) by just copying over my install directory from windows on top of the install in Linux. However since I had already updated to Plasma 6.1 it came with the new issue of the drop down menus.
I was using Wayland. Just swapped over to X11 and it’s working as intended. So something with Plasma 6.1 on Wayland is causing the issue.
So mostly a bunch of messing around with my system is probably what is causing the issue and for whatever reason disabling the testing and unstable repos isn’t allowing me to revert back to the previous version of Plasma. Not really sure why but that’s a totally different issue.
I really appreciate the time you took to give me such an in depth response.
I didn’t at first, but after the response from @mranderson17 I ended up doing just that. Which seems to have resolved that issue.
Prior to enabling testing/unstable repos for access to Plasma 6.1, CM was working fine on Wayland. However after the update it seems to have broken it but changing to X11 fixes the issue. So it’s likely a combination of me messing with my system and something with Plasma 6.1.