
somebitch1 [she/her]

2 posts • 79 comments
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The internet has become a revolting place. Those stupid YouTube thumbnails, the anime avatars, the fact everything has be a forty minute video or a speed up tiktok where the punchline is 1 ns long. Nothing is new or novel. The comments are depressingly predictable with the same broken language “ngl”, “eh…”. I do understand that alot of it comes from kids but what else are they doing then absorbing this stuff 12 hours a day.

It’s not this is wasting gigawatts of electricity. It’s the capital and engineering time to give everyone their own banal public access TV show marketed to every potential rube by “the algorithm”. Every second of this tripe is to be store indefinitely, backed up and replicated throughout the world to be readily available within seconds of demand. It was exciting back in 2007 to see where this could but this is the end result.

This leads to the meme answer, “we can do multiple things”. But really it takes decades to build the inflexible and specialized engineering capital in the direction you wanted. The trillions spent in Silicon Valley to build a global surveillance state has made software development and IT one of the only viable jobs to joining the middle class without connections. There are only so many people who are suited to the challenges of science and engineering. So many have be wasted in silicon valley, wall street and the military industrial complex.


The CEO, bosses and the rich are like higher beings to people like this. They despise unionized workers out of envy because they have spent most of their lives in the labor reserve army or are trapped some form of precarious work they gleefully accept not to join the former. All that matters is that prices go down and people they perceive as lower then them get what’s coming to them.


I thought that filth was banned in the civilized world


How many of us are going to have endure co-workers talking about formula 1 after the weekend? I remember when one enthused how the cars will run on 10% ethanol and how KERs is just another example of why climate change won’t be a problem.

By ‘rapid transformation of society’ I would imagine either primitivism or war communism. I only really want to imagine the latter with everybody mobilized away from their current work into a sort of ecological retreat to rail and sea adjacent areas with climates that don’t require insane amounts of energy and water to live in. We build co-housing that is designed to use as little energy as possible for heating, cooling, ventilation and de-humidification. Though there are facilities for people to cook, most day to day meals are cooked communally using thermal stoves. As much plant based food is grown nearby as possible with a lot of calories coming from precision fermentation of bacteria and fungus fed on hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Clothes on your back have been owned at least once and what labor credits spent on clothing goes towards the maintenance of them.


“US military is a bigger polluter than as many as 140 countries”

" the US military is one of the largest polluters in history, consuming more liquid fuels and emitting more climate-changing gases than most medium-sized countries."


Brain eating amoeba from untreated water or factory farm prions.


Dudes are also defending a rail service from lib freaks who are trying to cut 2500 jobs to start with.


You don’t need a license or insurance to go on the train either. You don’t need to be sober and it doesn’t matter what disabilities you have. Maintenance and fuel are the operator’s problem and if the train is electric than fuel shocks shouldn’t impact you either.

Getting a driving license in some countries costs thousands too and people now only passing tests in their thirties in Europe. When you have all that, the car becomes something to constantly stress about. Is that tire soft? Is that wobble new? Do I have an immobilizer to stop some shit from hot wiring it and going on a joy ride?


It’s wild that the Egyptians and Persians invented passive cooling three millennia ago and architects still build the same rectangular boxes to this day because that’s economical somehow.

Deep water source cooling is also neglected because everybody in a coastal city running a AC in the same atmosphere is somehow more economical then pumping cool water from the oceans.

Despite all this, capitalism isn’t dying fast enough to stop it taking the planet with it.


The fact that Americans automatically associate back pain treatment with chiropractors is indeed disturbing.
