
Vegan btw (LOUD)

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The vanguard has its eyes fixed on the future and its reward, but this is not a vision of reward for the individual. The prize is the new society in which individuals will have different characteristics: the society of communist human beings - Che ♥♥♥

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Commitment to efficiency is at the heart of communism. Here’s why I love China, taken from the article.

The United States and China approach AI differently. The trillion-dollar valuations of the great American technology companies mainly come from consumer entertainment. China, as Huawei’s Zhang said, has no time for poetry. Rather than guess when the machines will become sentient or when AI will replace human beings, China has focused on the automation of drudge work: inspecting parts on a factory conveyor belt, checking the bins near the coal face for foreign objects, detecting anomalies in machines, picking containers out of ships and placing them on autonomous trucks, and so forth.

My dream would be to live in China, it has such a different culture from the west. While I know I’ll never live there, visiting the country someday would be lovely.


Red fascism is when a government improves people’s material conditions in a way that will prevent fascism from starting and growing. The fascism is even worse when capitalists are controlled and denied political power. Additionally, the more authority you exert to do good things for your country in the long run, the fascist it becomes. As we all know, fascism is defined as a country being blamed for genocide without any specific explanation from another country that committed crimes against humanity. In the event that you search for what motivates the genocide and find nothing but bizarre conspiracy theories, then you know it is fascist.

Oh wait, no that’s just communism lmao


There are so many variations of the Nazi flag, and I find it kinda interesting. Although the confederate flag predates Nazism, it is used today as an socially acceptable alternative for it. There’s a guy with a Nazi flag in the photo, but he seems more comfortable calling himself a fascist. That needs to be rectified by us. Those flags are different fascists expressing fear of “the government”. The “don’t tread on me, bro” flag is just Nazi tech bros with no self awareness. The end is just becoming completely self-aware and unapologetic like the guy who flaunted a Nazi flag. All of these flags are expressions of anticommunism, which is actually just fascism. Of course they are protecting their class, at the end of the day. Each and every one of them deserves to be hit by a truck.


I think Nolan is alright but his movies are not very artistic or meaningful. Personally I really like Kubrick because of Spartacus, Full Metal Jacket and Space Odyssey. These movies resonated with me. Among modern directors, I don’t particularly enjoy any of them. Nowadays, movies kinda stink, but maybe I’m just being negative.


It’s often just white people being racist. They already had a negative opinion of them, so propaganda works well.
