Imagine what life was like when people used typewriters.
Those IBM Selectrics, especially. Hit keys (mostly) silently, hit Return, and that little ball goes BBBRRRAAAPPP! across the page all at once.
That said, I’ve been in offices where they used all IBM equipment (including Type-M keyboards) and after a while you don’t hear the typing. That might be because you’re going deaf, though.
The ACA wasn’t really designed. That was the core problem with the early Obama administration - the guy was a lecturer on constitutional law and naively believed that congress could come up with a coherent plan with minimal leadership from the executive branch. That’s how it works on paper, but in practice congress needs to be led.
Universal health care wasn’t on the table. They tried that back in '93 and it was obvious that the small majority they held in both houses wouldn’t be enough to overcome the fight they’d have from the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. So Obama just waved vaguely in the direction of Romney’s health care bill in Massachusetts (thinking Republicans would play along with creating a national version of their own party’s legislation) and told congress to get to work.
It’s a pity, because I think they could have pulled off a single payer solution if they’d gotten their act together.
Do cats eat mushrooms? They’re supposed to be chock full of umami.
I’m struggling to think of any situation where a 2yo would come in contact with a hippopotamus that doesn’t involve criminal levels of negligence.
Handbrake start is for noobs. Learn to use your clutch.
When Spock fails to get laid because he’s a half-breed.
There’s another HHGTtG book by Eoin Colfer (with permission from Adams’ widow) called “And Another Thing.” In case you want to complete the collection.