spicymangos51 [she/her]
Recore? I played it a few years ago for the first time since its on game pass, it was… Ok
I think it came out around the release of the Xbox 360
It was kinda cute, you had little robot companions, the combat was simple delt with colors, you matched them in order to do damage I think. You hovered around this desert post apocalypse area of earth (or maybe it was a planet to be settled for humanity). There were puzzles, some traversal and platforming to do, gameplay was a 3rd person shooter, and you could do like a finisher to rip the core out of enemies to end the fight quicker but also get their core to upgrade your stuff.
But I remember being a little upset at the ending, the story ends in a sorta downer cliff hanger thing, never to have a sequel.
We’re still out there, personally I still keep the mask since last time I went without one I caught a bug that was going around (maybe rsv, was around that time) I had COVID so maybe it’s just my immune system being weaker now, but now I rather just not get sick in general.
Maybe some videos from Sauce Stash on YouTube would help. He does a lot of like imitation stuff. A while back, his tofu video helped me out tremendously to make it taste good (never would have guessed to boil it)
Appreciated seeing some streamers raising money for the Trevor Project while playing it at least
I’ll try it later today and report back :o
Edit: It works, eatting orange in record time :v
Maybe pick up a clear coat one too? I like putting it first on my nail then on top of the color when I’m done. Keeps nails for that staining (or maybe I just have shitty nail polish)