Being a PM type role, I feel constantly pressured to show I am not one of the worthless ones. People go in assuming you are an asshole useless empty suit and it takes so much work to build a reputation you are not every time you move groups or teams.
I hate loving what I do, but knowing I am surrounded by people failing to serve the people we say we exist to serve.
Two questions for you!
1.) What is the most useful thing we in the Lemmy community can do to help you get that Oscar?
2.) I have a secret Santa this year coming up in a month that I am a part of with some friends. Would you be interested in leaving a comment for a friend of mine in response to this that I can show them a month from now for the secret santa?
“Hey Rome, this is Margot Robbie wishing you a merry Christmas and happy new year?”, or something like that?
Thanks for being cool either way and good luck getting nominated this year!
Where do we draw the line between the two?
Is there any line they could cross, any at all in the future, where the label changes in your mind?