teddiursa [she/her]
The problem isn’t the current dating culture. “Hookup culture” isn’t a modern day phenomenon, and Gen Z and Millennials are having less casual sex than previous generations were. And 99%+ people are monogamous.
99% of men aren’t struggling to get a date. And 99% of women aren’t struggling to get a date. Maybe around 5-10% of both men and women are struggling. But at least half of people are in relationships right now, and the rest of people are either going on dates or not trying to date.
If I saw I’m a gay woman, that doesn’t mean I’m defining myself just by being gay. It just makes more sense than saying “I’m a woman with gayness.”
We don’t call tall people “people with tallness”. We don’t call black people “people with blackness.” Being autistic should not be treated any differently because being autistic isn’t worse than those things. Being autistic is actually much much much more fundamental to who I am than being gay is. There is a version of me that could exist without being gay. There is no version of me that could possibly exist without being autistic. It is not possible to remove autism from the person.