theSmokingGun27 [he/him]
This involves politics but not leftism. But its definitely an unpopular opinion.
But I generally speaking believe a lot of the russiagate allegations. I know a lot of people on the left call that Q for libs. But here I am I guess. The democrats in congress not actually impeaching him over the stuff played a big part in my shift left in politics though.
I don’t believe any of the absurd stuff. But generally speaking I think trump was knowingly leveraging his presidential run to attempt to secure loans and promises to get his names on buildings and primarily in Russia. I also believe the fbi looked at this though and their instinct wasn’t to attain justice or something but that they could use the threat of this investigation as blackmail over trump. And ultimately what trump is acused of doing feels perhaps an aggregous example of, but an example nonetheless of the same type of influence china exerts over people like Diane fienstein, or mitch McConnell. Or Israel over orgs like aipac, etc…
In the grand scheme of things I think its largely unimportant to our discourse. But I do believe he “colluded” with russia.
here are some things im like 50/50 or more on believing:
Russia was laundering money into republican campaigns through Russian American citizens and donations to the NRA.
Based off Reality Winner’s leak it feels kinda likely to me voters were dropped from voter rolls preventing them to vote in both the primaries to help trump and hrc, and then in the general to help trump.
I generally believe russia has offered women probably including underaged girls to trump. I generally think the pee tape is real, or at least the threat of their being a tape is real.
I read Seth Abramsons first two books…
Don’t cancel me, please. :(
Yeah, I know I’m walking a fine line in saying I’m being unpopular. But to be fair I havent betrayed just how much the “collusion” I think happened, hahah
At this point though, I find it absurd how people connect russia to everything. And again, its obvious the entirety of the investigation was just show boating.
But here are some things im like 50/50 or more on believing:
Russia was laundering money into republican campaigns through Russian American citizens and donations to the NRA.
Based off Reality Winner’s leak it feels kinda likely to me voters were dropped from voter rolls preventing them to vote in both the primaries to help trump and hrc, and then in the general to help trump.
I generally believe russia has offered women probably including underaged girls to trump. I generally think the pee tape is real, or at least the threat of their being a tape is real.
I read Seth Abramsons first two books…
Don’t cancel me, please. :(
yeah, that stuff is absurd. I followed Louise Mensch for like 48 hrs. The Bannon being imminently arrested thing I think is what made me ditch that, hahha I loved Claude Taylor too for like a minute.
And yeah, if he was “groomed” in any sense i think it started in like 2013. Not 1988 or whenever he visited russia.
yeah that’s for sure. I kinda wish the hosts would elaborate on it more. They’ve like interviewed Matt tiabbi about it but that was more of a after the fact gloat session. They’re really wasnt much of a critique outside what you said.
But I’m like right there with everyone. I was a radlib in 2016. I think I clung to the impeachment thing because it felt like the most viable way to remove trump. But alas, too many dems and repubs would get their own blowback from their own corruption to ever pull the trigger on that.
Yeah, I dont buy many what I call “day of” conspiracies for anything that happened in NYC. I dont believe that their were controlled demolitions or holograms for example.
But its pretty clear the anthrax attack was planned ahead of time and carried out by the IC in the aftermath of 9/11. Its pretty clear that our allies warned us and we knew, and its pretty clear saudi arabia and Israel had advanced foreknowledge.
I am very sympathetic to theories surrounding what happened at the pentagon. Between the supposed missing frames of the available security footage, the abnormal flight path paired with the pilots notoriously bad skill, there is a lot of eye brow raising facts there. Hell, Rumsfeld insisting on staying in the pentagon to do a briefing after his staff told him they needed to go to the white house because they already knew a plane had hit the first tower by his 9AM meeting and then rushing out to help people on camera is enough for me to raise an eye brow at what happened with the pentagon.
And obviously that flight that crashed in PA was shot out of the sky by us. Probably because Bush and Cheney couldn’t have imagined a more terrifying spectacle and quit while they were ahead. Amd as Brace Belden suggests, it would have been weird for them to not do something after all the preceeding attacks.
Check out TrueAnon. Theyre doing a miniseries this week on 9/11. Great shit.
I won’t die on any single hill. So I oscillate a lot back and forth in believing any of this stuff. But to me at least it is weird how much spread there was to the plane parts. And there are witnesses claiming they saw a passenger jet tailed by several F16s, and even reports of an all white fighter jet in the area.
But I really dont know what happened. But the official reports are obviously not rooted in truth or a good faith attempt to discover what happened.