Day 1 was easy for me, because the standard library of the language I use has both a method for searching for the first substring, that matches a predicate, and one for the last one.
Day 3 was a little tricky though, I concur.
Damn… Yeah, it‘s rough. Life is never all butterflies and rainbows, but it‘s also easy to forget that there is also much potential for good things to happen as well: Indulging in new and old hobbies, the next night out with friends, some really good food, a weekend trip to somewhere interesting and so much more. It‘s important to shift perspective from time to time. Keeping a journal for what you‘re grateful for/happy about is one technique to iron out that negativity bias a bit. Note that this is not the be all and end all solution for keeping all depressing thoughts at bay. If it‘s still a problem, please seek professional help.
Cold fusion has a very interesting video about this topic and how AI fits into all of this.
I feel like (: is the cheekier version.
Youtube is also now forcing you to turn on watch history for recommendations. Needless to say, I‘ve been on YouTube a lot less lately. (And that‘s probably a good thing.)
Everything is a HO*.
* in case something is not, approximate higher orders away, until it is.
This just in: Measurements are now limited to ~3M decimals.
Science is ruined!
Are… are you okay?