Patrick Willems made a good video about Tenet. He calls it a Vibes Movie, in his explanation all the secret agent movies, like Bond, Mission Impossible, are vibes movies where the plot is actually meaningless. Tenet ups this to eleven. IMHO Nolan is a serial perpetrator of over his own head concepts, but I nevertheless like his movies because the’re at least not franchises.
Here is the view of the “other side” (PLO not Hamas therefore the " ")
[](The View from Gaza | Palestinian Ambassador to the UK - Husam Zomlot | The Rest Is Politics)
This Interview is worthwile. For everyone who hasn’t succumbed to the war on their mind and soul, as the interviewee Yuval Noah Harari phrased it:
[](Hamas and Gaza | A Liberal Israeli’s View - Yuval Noah Harari | The Rest Is Politics)
Yes, that is a feature of democratic systems. Parties want to get voted in. So they bend their programs to achieve that goal. I live in Germany and here all parties are leaning further and further to the right, since the AfD (nationalist-conservative, some party members Neo-nazi) party is gaining in almost every poll.