throw42069at [he/him]
What the fuck
Apparently there was a covid outbreak at my school a week ago and I was only just informed of it now???
And I still have to go to school???
But it’s okay because “they have isolated” and “we are living with it now”???
non amp link (google tracks you on amp links):
I will serve crack before I serve this country.
A guy, his bookclub, and his revolutionary army
My supposedly secular school system is teaching that humans are inherently evil and require “laws and regulations” to keep them good.
Edit: Holy fuck the teacher just said that there is evidence that genetics determine people’s future. ??? What the actual fuck??? Then she said that “perhaps genetics determine more than we previously thought” holy shit
Edit 2: holy shit this student just said that fucking babies should be treated as if they are evil “because we can’t tell yet”