Climate change. I live in a city with decent bicycle infrastructure and good public transport. Yet most people still argue they need their damn car to get to work alone without luggage, less than 5 kilometers away.
No amount of ethics teaching will change the behaviour of a narcisistic psychopath like musk.
I think part of this problem is that the USA has split more or less into two different cultures that have developed different languages to the point that they don’t even understand each other and what seems a rational argument in one language is perceived as hate speech in the other.
Europe is going into the same direction but it’s not as extreme yet.
I don’t exactly understand what is remarkable here. But maybe that is because I’m not from the USA.
Also the half life of windows knowledge is a lot lower than linux knowledge. Under windows: when you have this problem, click here, click there, find this button, select this option and then it might help, until the next version changes everything. Under linux you find this config file, change this line to that and the fix will likely survive multiple system upgrades and could even work on different distributions.
I have never owned or operated a car and this doesn’t really make me want to.