Here’s a post demonstrating how mainstream tech media is complicit.
I hope it pans out for machine learning.
I kept a dream journal every night for over a year. Meditated extensively during that time. And rarely looked at a screen. Prison gives you a lot of free time.
I’ve also explored the closes eye visual space in drug induced lucid states extensively.
This time article aligns with my understanding of Busdhisms Six consciousness model.
In Western language, we would call the eye consciousness the visual cortex. When our eyes are closed, and we’re in a relaxed state, we can see muscle memory practicing. Dreams. Visions if in an awake lucid state.
The visual cortex stays active when our eyes are closed. Otherwise it only takes an hour for other senses to start recruiting those neurons.
My dreams tend to be emotionally charged. So, dreams are, in my experience, a combination of the visual cortex doing busy work and unresolved emotional stuff if it’s there, or fun joyful stuff, if I’m feeling joy.
I don’t know that it has a ‘purpose’ other than busy work and keeping the cortex wired together. It can be put to purpose, such as dream journaling and deeper self awareness.
Since the bot removed the 69% that mattered.
It’s like if you’ve ever been in a smoker’s home, how tar builds up on walls and you can still smell it even if no one smoked in there for weeks.
Well, wildfire smoke produces gases that will stick to surfaces too. Overtime these particles release back into the air.
So, air purifiers are still good. They remove particles from the air. Bu you just to also wash down surfaces. Like in the smoker’s home.
PET is one of the most worrying plastics because it’s soft and sheds microplastic easily.
Also, microorganisms are fairly easy to adapt to other food sources because of how rapidly they evolve. Coupled with genetic modification I don’t think it’s impossible for this to be adapted to all forms of soft plastic.
And while this is good. It is also going to cause problems when bacteria starts eating plastic we don’t want it too.
The best news I’ve read this morning and only two throwaway comments.
Anyway, this is an amazing use of an amazing technology. And will hopefully spare a lot of families from suffering through the pain of a cancer diagnosis.
Most wars are fought over property (land, resources, etc.)
A society that isn’t based on property would have a lot less to fight about.
And most anarcho-comnunist style social structures are thought of as being post revolution. So it will be war to get there, but an economic war fought by workers against the oligarchs using solidarity and work stoppages as the weapons.
Solidarity, taken as a value, is another way to prevent war between the syndicates. Everyone would be workers and fighting against other workers would be socially unacceptable. Like dropping a fart in a crowded subway car, no one wants to be the one doing it.
I do expect there would still be conflict. Two syndicates may both want a rare resource. I imagine each syndicate would be able to elect a representative to some sort of larger democratic body. Like the UN, but without all the fucked up veto powers by nuclear armed states that prevents our actual UN from having any real power.
edit: Buddhism has existed for 2500 years as a loose connection of syndicates without serious infighting. Letting go of property and focusing on community goes a long long way.