I pulled up to a crossroad, stopped at the stop sign, and waited for the 2 vehicles on the main road to pass. Another car pulled up across from me and came to a complete stop at their stop sign, they waited for a moment, then started to go. They looked again, saw the other vehicles coming, stopped (not yet in the main road), then started to proceed again. They stopped again (this time in the main road). They started to go again and got hit by the first vehicle on the main road. The next vehicle on the main road was an ambulance who saw the whole thing and stopped.
Honestly not sure why you would stop at a sign, see traffic coming then go and stop multiple times if you weren’t on something or trying for some fraud.
I’m sure the global west will gleefully decry them as savages for cheering on the assault on innocent civilians.
There is nothing wrong with this.
Cori Bush (D-Missouri), BTW
State communication should not travel over private channels that can arbitrarily limit access to that State’s communications.
That’ll make shit better.
After Israel bombed an UNRWA School, BTW. Since the headline went out of its way to obfuscate that.
As if jokes can’t be creepy.
Cool! Yet another way to have Google loop the same 20 songs tangentially related to the artist I searched for without actually playing the artist I searched for.