Here’s a documentary about the monkeys:
Honestly not that stupid. I have seen SD cards break. And for certain applications, like professional photography, having a more physically reliable medium is a good thing.
But I think cameras with dual SD cards for redundancy are more important.
I’m also in the desktop camp. But I just purchased a Framework 16. The upgradable dGPU (assuming they release new ones) might make laptops more viable for gaming.
I like the game, but it doesn’t take advantage of the Steam Deck’s touch pads at all. A hybrid mouse/controller scheme would work very well for this type of game. And atm you can’t even make a custom hybrid control scheme because switching between m/kb and controller is bugged.
Go to a library, some have scanners with feeders that will scan to a flash drive.
They did the same for all the moon rock samples. This video was a pretty cool look into the facility: