Don’t know why you’re down voted, LFS is the best way to learn how Linux works from the ground up.
The Arch Wiki is great and it does cover just about everything, but it’s not what OP is describing – you certainly could exhaustively read it and all the linked pages every step of the install, but the actual installation documentation is focused on installing and getting a useable system. But LFS is exactly what OP wants: a detailed, very explicit, ground up tutorial on manually setting up every piece required for a functional Linux system.
If that sounds too technical, OP, that’s because you’re asking an extremely technical question. Most Linux users, even pretty advanced ones, don’t understand the really low level parts of the system, they just know how to interact with them once in a while to get specific tasks done.
If you just want a general overview of how to use Linux and a detailed explanation of its philosophy, there are many YouTube channels that offer that without such a deep technical dive.
You don’t, you look at the outstanding issues and pick one that sounds at all intelligible.
The experience of jumping into a big unfamiliar project is very much like Robert De Niro parachuting into the middle of hideously complex pipework to surgically fix a single leak in the movie Brazil. Nothing around you makes sense at first, and all you can do is look exactly where you’ve been told the problem is, and stare at it hard enough to finally see the crack in the pipe. Then as time goes on you can start checking the other pipes, and eventually you might think “Hey, why are these apartments all connected in this order? Wouldn’t it be more efficient to just have a central tank that then supplies each unit?” And then maybe you try that out, and maybe it’s a notable improvement and other engineers applaud you for your contribution… Or maybe it was a dumb idea for reasons that you hadn’t yet grasped, in which case you get to learn why.
It can be a fun process, just give yourself time to explore. One of the best things about version control is the ability to just fuck things up in experimentation without actually damaging the project.
I can’t find any logically consistent way too label piracy as immoral. It doesn’t remove the original and it’s just creating virtually free copies. It’s the definition of a victimless crime.
The fact that you’re hypothetically removing profit from the creator only becomes a moral issue if that loss of profit is A) guaranteed, that is, the recipient of the free copy would definitely have paid for it otherwise, and B) is significant enough to impact their life negatively. And the latter happening is much more an indictment of the system that demands people justify their existence through the extraction of profit than it is of the consumers who are just copying a few bytes.
The idea of paying more than a few cents for any digital media is frankly absurd. It’s highway robbery that we’re paying the same amount to rent a copy of a movie as to buy a pound of meat or a gallon of gas. It’s 99% just blatant price gouging.
Pronouns are largely used to refer to people in the third person. As such I will never declare my pronouns because they aren’t for me to use, they’re for other people to use to refer to me. As such they should use whatever pronouns deliver maximal clarity for the listener.
I will respect others’ pronoun preferences because I’m not an asshole, but when people start trying to tell me that I’m being bigoted by not stating my own pronouns, they can fuck off.
Sacrifice. Still one of the coolest and most unique games I’ve ever played, but severely limited by its late 90s tank controls and render distance. It would be amazing remade.