Thanks all - It seems there are many ways to do this, or perhaps just write the document in markdown and print it that way. I mean I guess I could always install and lear TeX (again) too.
I stopped in at my local camera store and an ef to rf adapter would only be $130, it goes on the Christmas list. I was able to try it out with my Dad’s lens and autofocus seems to work fine - I was not sure how to test to see if aperture control was working but It probably was.
A lens made for my R50 would cost much more $300.
The issue seems to have been resolved?? It has stopped blanking except sometimes when I am logged out. I come back in the room to see it blanked, and then lights back up on its own. Stranger and Stranger.
You know what everyone - What if I just move my testing into the home office where the computers are? I just thought of that. Then I would not need a separate machine.
Thanks, everyone! I did not close the tray item, only the discovery window. My system seems to be just fine too.