
womenintechnology [none/use name]
Nepal only became communist because in 2001 the royal family was killed in a mass shooting perpetrated by the king and queen’s son. That shit would be like if Prince Andrew became king because he killed Charles, Henry, Megan, and the kids after a headed argument over dinner.
When someone can be privileged even after giving up their material wealth, when the stain of privilege cannot be wiped away even after that, then that is a serious case of privilege. Things like white supremacy, generational wealth, better material conditions during the developmental part of their life like education or healthcare. When the privilege is so engrained in someone it can’t be taken off, that’s okay to hate, you can hate the rich for who they are because they do not deserve their status. If you have ever seen the avatar movie (the James Cameron one, not last airbender) the main message of that film was that a repentant oppressor can never be one of the oppressed but they can arm the oppressor with the knowledge and weapons necessary for overthrowing the oppressors own people.
Sorry if this sounds too much like /c/urbanism but Mexico City has to be one of the most poorly designed cities on Earth and I fucking hate it.
It was built upon the ruins of Tenochtitlan, which was built in the middle of a lake. Mexico City was created when that indigenous city was raised to the ground by white colonizers and they proceeded to essentially drain the lake to build a car centric city in and around the ruins of what once was a city comparable to Venice.
Like I guess I’m glad that homeless people are doing marginally better there than in the USA but that entire city shouldn’t exist. It’s not a population or resource issue, it’s an issue of, the city is built on top of a lake that should really be brought back. I’m not advocating tearing down all the city but a good part of it should be leveled so that nature can return.
Save the axolotl!