Also he is a libertarian
far from undermining “modern logic of private capital accumulation” has helped capitalism by providing a huge new market for labor and commodities
It’s also provided the Chinese Communist Party with enormous economic leverage and industrial capacity, you really can’t see any advantages to this arrangement?
Why? Because Huawei is a co-op? Or because some Chinese factories are state owned?
You’re describing the tail end of the devolution strategy, which capitalists in China take advantage of on the national scale, I’m specifically referring to the regional and municipal scale of organization which the Chinese state takes advantage of to guide national level industrial/infrastructure policy, if the transition happens, it’s gonna happen on the local level not the national/state level
even this is not true, as the level of state ownership is declining in terms of assets, employment and profits
What did you think I meant when I said devolution?
Once again, transition towards what?
I already told you, theoretically towards DotP, like I literally said that
and even if they were growing, what would they transition to?
or do Marxists call that rank opportunism and have railed against it for 150 years?
They also correctly railed against idealistic utopianism
Socialism is when the state delegates control of capitalist firms to smaller authorities.
If those smaller authorities directly represent the workers then yes, again that’s where the debate lays, it’s not about having fAitH it’s literally just me laying out the framework of THE DEBATE, it could go either way
Use those last “IQ” points to read theory, specifically Marx’s critiques of the Paris Commune, you’ll understand where I’m coming from then, you almost got it keep it up :cool-dad: