Link so y’all don’t call me a lib again.
They also like V*ush. Think “eat the rich” is a metaphor for taxation. And say Tankies turned them from Anarcho-Communist to a Neoliberal. Think the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact meant the Soviet Union was fascist. Like, okay, how fucking twisted do your priorities have to be that you dunk on a state that hasn’t existed for 30 fucking years instead of, you know, your own state that is currently involved in who know how many fascist conspiracies. And that’s it. I’m not going any deeper into their timeline. I’m too tired.
What’s a ton, 1000 lbs? So maybe 5-7 grown adults?
If we count people in terms of biomass, yeah, I’m going to say potentially 10s of thousands of tons of people or more are further left now than where his campaign was in 2016-2020, which largely amounted to taxing rich people more to pay for free college and being friends with Joe Biden but having “very different plans.”
Leftists did vote as a bloc in 2020, they just didn’t vote the way you wanted in the general.