My co-worker started listening to Rogan and he’s saying a bunch of the same bullshit, and started listening to other libertarian podcasters. I’m not sure how to reach him, I tried suggesting he check out Street Fight but he brushed it off.
Libertarians are a type of nerd, just tell them how lame their fandom is. As an aside, no hexbear should make their politics a fandom
I told him yesterday that libertarians are just republicans who want to smoke weed. And I suggested a podcast where they actually talk to a doctor who researches vaccines, but he started going off about Fauchi and mask mandates or something. It does help that we have a crazy co-worker who thinks the moon landings were fake so I can point to him and say “you’re sounding like him right now” if he starts going full Alex Jones
yeah, covid is not a place to take a stand. No one in the US feels like anyone should be telling them what to do about covid, cause no one has an answer everyone would like and can stick with. We should have had a federally run shutdown, with rent relief for tenants, both commercial and residential, no one had to get fucked over at their job by covid, but we did and telling people people they ought to get it cuz its “right” or even practical for them to do just wont cut it. Just explain that half a million people are dead on our own soil, and the vaccine is the only direct action you could personally take to try to save more of them.
i don’t actually think this will work, but maybe Southpaw? shit though i pretty much wouldn’t want my coworkers to try to convince me of their politics either. if you’re really committed to this goal, try to have conversations where you’re not just telling him everything he thinks is cool sucks, where you’re asking questions, actually listening to what he says and responding honestly.
doesn’t sound fun to me either