Need a hot feminist take need a hot feminist take. Oh I know
“A woman could never write Finnegans Wake or Ulysses”
I totally get the criticism that the current canon is too white, male, and heteronormative, it objectively is, and opening up the canon to new voices is a good thing. This person doesn’t even seem to want to do that though. It’s just flatly dismissing difficult to read books, which is just lazy. Unsurprisingly this person writes adult romance novels, you get this garbage from a ton of twitter authors who either write very horny books or young adult fiction, and seem to aggressively refuse to read literature.
Hell, she might have a good point if she had asked, do current expansions of the canon miss important works because while they accept the easy to read novels by women, and other marginalized groups, there’s still a bias against difficult to read and experimental works by those groups.