Name can be whatever, but the point is to use conservative talking points to argue for environmental change, things like
- linking destruction of the environment to religion (garden of Eden or some shit, Idk),
- promoting pollution reduction because it impacts hunting and fishing (anyone who is reducing the amount that you shoot guns and kill animals is clearly a liberal),
- promote reforestation with call backs to shitty presidents and other officials who constantly wrote about nature and wildlife (make destruction of what they valued as much of an issue as destroying confederate statues),
- be agaisnt large corporations because they don’t have family values and push mom and pop stores out of small towns
- use semantics about “conserve” to argue real conservatives should be in favour of conserving the environment
Others could likely come up with more better ideas, but basically its a thought on putting noise in the system on their side just as green capitalists pretend to be on the left. If nothing else, one of you comrades could probably grift out some rent money if you’re bored enough to try and run something like this and don’t want to make an onlyfans.