Big missed opportunity for black hammer to be press secretary lmaooooo
What happened with badempanada?
Made reasonable criticism of China so of course half of left twitter hates him.
reasonable criticism of China
western chauvinists who do not live in Marxist countries think that people care about their imperialist brainwashing lmao
I sometimes wonder what happened to the critical part of critical support
He made some dumb China videos, said stupid things on Twitter as part of defending them, and now the radlibs love him.
Also bizarrely really anti-Maduro while being “nuanced” about Juan Perón.
He is not really anti-Maduro. I do think he was to easy on Peronism, but any critiques he makes of Maduro are ones discussed in good faith within Venezuelan communist circles. If having disagreements on economics that align with some of the man’s own cabinet counts as “really anti” Maduro, then I am pretty sure Maduro over the course of his career has been really anti-Maduro.
But yeah I totally agree with Peron. Though his comments on the vid do seem to imply that he knows he overcompensated in order to get to the heart of explaining why Peronism is so widespread and inconsistent in Argentina, but necessary to play any role in politics.