So today there was a small confederate protest at the local big bullshit monument to slaveholding governor, and a blm counterprotest. When I got there there were roughly 10 folks on either side, just holding signs and side-eying each other. I chilled with the comrades for a minute and then figured “this is boring”, so I went and talked with a couple of the rebels. It was kind of a trip. But I had a couple take aways:
- The older folks are a lost cause, there’s no curing the brain worms. But maybe the younger ones (millennials and under) can be reached when pointed out that the ruling class/elites fuck everyone over and use difference to divide us.
- Seems like folks like this feel powerless and scared and angry, like many of us, but they’re brainwashed so can’t understand the material conditions without their whole worldview crumbling.
- Second civil war is a given, but at least these folks weren’t chomping at the bit to murder people.
Idk, I’m sure this is all well worn territory, but it was an interesting experience, and I hope I helped at least one person get their gears turning. :)