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Here you go:
Letting trans women play in women’s sports is often unfair
Other countries should learn from a transgender verdict in England
Gender identity is hard but jumping to medical solutions is worse
Putting trans women in female prisons sets up a clash of rights
The Economist Says Tweet About Sterilizing Trans People Was a Mistake
A book on transitioning girls is denounced as transphobic
Transgender identities: a series of invited essays
Trans rights should not come at the cost of women’s fragile gains
Britain’s Gender Recognition Act won’t change
Basically they seem to have two stances
A) that TRANSGERNDER ISSUE inherently pits two (entirely separate) historically oppressed groups, the transgenders and women, against each other, and this is very sad and complicated and there is no clear solution😔
and B) that they deeply care about trans people and want only what’s best for you but because [twisted terf logic] what’s actually in trans people’s best interest is [horrible terf shit] 😌