But, in the USA a “friend” is anyone you’ve spoken to for more than 5 minutes. So, a charitable reading is that you should try to deepen friendships with those with desirable qualities.
She seems to be talking about the PMC activity known as “networking” and not the genuine kind of friendship that normal people have. I do not know if she’s aware of the difference.
Just the other day I went and picked up some furniture off craigslist for my homeboy who couldn’t do it because he was working all week. Dude who was selling the furniture was shocked that I would do something like that. Told him I was just as bewildered that he didn’t have people he’s solid with like that
She seems to be talking about the PMC activity known as “networking” and not the genuine kind of friendship that normal people have.
Even “networking” only really works when the people you’re meeting up with and schmoozing actually like you. The whole premise behind these meet-ups is that you’ve got more to offer than some over-polished resume for services rendered.
Of course, Fleischman should know this given that she’s branded herself as The Polyamorous Professor and is literally doing the “sex sells” shit at the academic level. Unsurprising that she’s with a guy half again her senior and basically doing the “Piping down your interns / TAs is Revolutionary, aktuly!” speaking circuit.
Wonder if she and Ghislaine Maxwell are pen pals.