their wet-dream candidate won the election, Bernie bent the knee completely, even the mildest succdems have been marginalized, and yet they are still EXTREMELY mad about the Bern. What the fuck is wrong with these people
“Communism took root on Reddit because redditors see themselves not as spoiled teenagers and man children, but as temporarily embarrassed revolutionaries.”
This is it. We did it. Peak comedy.
Capitalism took root in the world because people see themselves not as unequal wage slaves, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
temporarily embarrassed revolutionaries
Yeah, okay, cool. Time to stop being embarrassed then.
:sankara-shining: :kropotkin-shining: :mao-aggro-shining: :lenin-shining:
Somebody was posting in one of the general thread about how blackpilled some of these people are about the actual state and future of the US, and I think you can see that reflected in the constant attempts at infantilizing their opponents as material conditions in capitalism continue to deteriorate and radicalize people away from their ideology. They just get really butthurt and bitchy that people could ever think neoliberalism sucks ass.
I genuinely can’t think of a bleaker ideology than “this is the best we can do and we shouldn’t try anything else and you’re a child if you think we should do anything different.”