yeah no shit? what can you do against a walking aimbot?
team fortress 2’s official matchmaking is plagued by fully autonomous bots appearing in almost every single game
they instantly flick and shoot you once you appear in their vision
no advanced tactics are required to make a fps bot that always win, a simple predetermined track and an aimbot is more than enough
Absolutely. The hardest part about videogame AI development is making it act in a way that feels like a human being is in the driver’s seat and is more or less playing on the level the player is at.
Designing an AI that will always win is actually easy as shit for most games.
Hun, surprising. Always figured strategy took some human creativity.
Anyway, if that be the case I still think it’s fine and good for humans to play chess for shits and giggles, I just think deifying people who are really good at it is stupid if they can be beaten easily by a computer. We used to act like chess masters were some super human brain geniuses, but if a hard-drive can beat them it seems there’s really nothing unique about it, it’s all just about processing power.
No strategy is required for an FPS bot that always wins. At its core, an FPS game is all about pointing and clicking on heads. That is the core gameplay mechanic of FPS games. If you can make a bot that does that perfectly (which is trivial), you can make a bot that always wins.
Ais with deep learning can develop strategy also…the thing you have to remember is that computers aren’t human beings and they don’t think or strategize like we do. They did experiments with RTS games and ais running them and if they seem like they favor a general charge in brute force strategy it’s mainly because we are but pathetic meat bags before them and that actually is the path of least resistance in practice.