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Well comrade cumwaffle (I love your name btw), you’re wrong that the US has a lot of influence on the EU. While this comment doesn’t apply to the Balkans or Eastern Europe, which are both very poor, rural, and reactionary; the USA have been losing their influence and leverage on the EU for like 4 years now, and I don’t think countries like Sweden, France or Ireland would criminalize trans folks just because it suddently becomes this way in the US. In short, advising your trans friends to leave the US for a more civilized place is a harsh course of action, but a necessary one.
Also, I must ask, even if Biden was elected, would things be different in the end ? The can would be kicked 4 years ahead, and the same issues would remain, and aggravate. Biden would do absolutely nothing to stop transphobic violence, as a comment pointed out, so you’d be on your own, even under a Democrat president sitting in office.
Don’t know about Sweden, but in Finland one of the requirements for legally changing your gender is being unable to reproduce, ie mandatory sterilisation, so us Europeans don’t need Trump to tell us to be shitty. Even then, I suppose somewhere like Finland would be a nicer place for a trans person to live on average than the US, at least if you live in one of the bigger cities
Finland is an odd place. Considered Nordic by everyone, but doesn’t share much of its progressivism, althought succdems there are trying to make 30h workweeks a reality; so we’ll see I guess.
We’ve got a lot of guns- in a 2017 survey, we ranked #10 by civilian-held firearms per 100 population. I believe we are also the most religious Nordic country and Finland also sadly ranks pretty high in domestic violence against women. So we are pretty chuddy in some ways, but the other Nordic countries are in others- it’s not all cuddles and rainbows