Consider the following: as of January 2021, a CBS News poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans think the biggest threat to their way of life are other Americans, with only 8% thinking it’s foreign countries. Source
What percentage of americans thought white supremacy was the greatest threat to the nation
that’s because libs think of conservatives and conservatives think of libs as a threat to their way of life, not because people see white supremacists as a threat. some do obviously, but i’d argue it is not over half of the people who see other americans as a threat
Bingo, and white supremacists = non-establishmentarian “alt-right” conservatives in the current lingo, which is what Greenwald is talking about. Let’s not kid ourselves here, there has never been a serious threat to American power felt in the popular imaginary since the fall of the Soviet Union, so naturally the big threats are gonna be domestic. China may be growing, but it consistently keeps to itself.