Literally give the actual land back
Yeah, let’s just forcibly move ~200 million people to another continent. I’m sure that will go well.
Also, a Native American ethnostate is still an ethnostate.
:side-eye-1: bruh indigenous people don’t want to ship the mayos off “back-to-africa” style, but damn well deserve to govern their lands (even just the unseded treaty land that :amerikkka: illegally occipes, if you are really so afraid of white genocide)
That’s hardly “giving it back” then. No shit they should be given heavy reparations and self determination, but telling an individual to “give it back” is just dumb.
Like the comment below about the person’s dad who immigrated to escape the Holocaust. She doesn’t have to get that through to him because there’s nothing that he personally needs to give back.
Yeah it seems best taken as an abstract moral injunction that should be enacted through something like collectivization/redistribution of private property or more realistically just wealth/income, with a focus on giving disproportionately to the indigenous. Giving someone a fake ownership of “land” without displacing hundreds of millions (which is btw a comforting fantasy), instead of the means of production or money, seems less helpful. Sure they should have total control of the concentration camps the US put them in, that’s hardly ‘giving them back their land,’ the slogan becomes totally meaningless then. Better and more achievable to give them the greater part of the means of production. Would love to hear criticism
Tldr: ‘Land back’ seems billed as righting the wrongs done to indigenous peoples by giving them their land back. And if it ends up being white liberals giving an extremely poor set of the population some undeveloped, barren plot of federal land, then it is mere appeasement, not for indigenous but for the liberals.
National self-determination doesn’t exist in socialism, nations are abolished, the point of is abolishing the concept of “governing” which in the modern era meant “mediating the contradictions of capital and establishing the will of the ruling class”, rather than establishing new governing structures that are more “democratic” or “representative”, the problem is to do away with the need to mediate class contradictions not reforming the process by which these are mediated, by achieving the destruction of wage labor. such thing as “self-governance” is actively not socialism.
Rather than pushing for universal gains for the working class, including the indigenous working class, you are simply delivering them to unfettered exploitation under a ruling class of their ethnic peers
National self-determination doesn’t exist in socialism, nations are abolished
idk about that
National self-determination doesn’t exist in socialism
we don’t currently live under socialism
gib the land back, US gubmint
i don’t think anyone is rooting for the class system to survive the revolution, least of all indigenous peoples who have been forced into accordance with said capitalist patriarchal framework.
Land Back
Thus begins the struggle session over a funny laughter image on
Well, funny laughter images still contain beliefs, assumptions, and ideology. These are things which must always be open to critique.
We shouldn’t fall into the trap of thinking that “it’s just a joke” automatically shields an opinion from criticism.
Ypu dont understand. I put their opinion ad the soyjack and me as the chad wojak. Therefore I win.
I’m sure you already have an incredible and not at all flawed understanding of Land Back, but might I suggest reading into it some more before making harebrained accusations like calling Indigenous national liberation “ethnostates” and implying the dissolution of settler-colonial states will force settlers out in some reverse-racism/white genocide/great replacement style thinking
Here’s a handy resource:
“Read this 68 page essay or all your thoughts are wrong.”
Wanna at least sum it up? What does “land back” mean if not literally giving the land back by moving out?
“I’m not going to bother learning about what this thing is but still have a reactionary opinion on it”
As a Pro-Tip, the website has summaries of each of the parts, but be warned it’s a Canadian context. Anyways to do your thinking for you, it’s a really complex topic because Indigenous peoples are not a monolith but a general understanding is literally give them the land back from the government that wrongfully stole it and allow them sovereignty over their land/respect their treaty obligations/etc. This does not mean “whitey out” because that isn’t feasible and as far as I’ve seen precisely zero are calling for that.
“I’m not going to educate myself on colonialism because I can’t be bothered to read” what the fuck kind of communist are you?
ok so first im stupd & also litrly a bird covrrd in shit so som1 smrtr shuld chime in. bt think abt how indigenous ppl curently liv in this settler state & then flip it. its their land & we al jus living here.
Yeah, let’s just forcibly move ~200 million people to another continent. I’m sure that will go well.
Crackers aren’t people.
All this meme says is “give the land back” if you aren’t a landowner, this isn’t about you. The US government is illegitimate and if a revolutionary state is ever formed, it must have indigenous character to it.
That being said, I don’t think mass deportations of people who’ve lived here for generations is something that’s actually seriously considered, that’s a lot of lost labor power that you’d need to rebuild this broken shithole country into something good.
Much more recent and much less people. It’s way more feasible to move <10 million people that only moved in 70 years ago vs ~200 million that moved in centuries ago.
we inventd the segway & that ws complictd we can gib land bac even tho complctd