Mao forgot to purge some g*mers or whatever, idk I’m not a history expert.
Someone recently made a piracy 101 two part thread here on the lemmy that’s a good place to start. Using a VPN should keep you mostly safe AFAIK (I’ve been torrenting with one for about a year and haven’t run into any issues). I’m far from an expert though so I’d give the thread a look.
I definitely second pirating CDPR’s stuff given their scummy labor practices, if it’s feasible. And honestly, more broadly, having access to a wide range of human culture and art separate from the material barriers set up by the profit motive/commodity form is just incredibly liberating and humanizing. Piracy is (95% of the time, try not to pirate indie games and the like if you can afford it) dope.
having access to a wide range of human culture and art separate from the material barriers set up by the profit motive/commodity form is just incredibly liberating and humanizing
nice. I’ll be borrowing this.
What VPN do you use? I mostly avoided them due to being poor and not being able to afford a monthly fee. there ya go! It’s a good place to start. IIRC most VPNs are comparable in price if not cheaper than streaming services (with a much bigger return on investment), so if you have say Netflix and are willing to part with it it’d probably even out.
NordVPN, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it - I think they got into hot water for shoddy privacy practices kind of recently? I’m stuck with them for two more years though, so oh well. That said, my UNDERSTANDING is that most VPNs are good enough for torrenting, since it’s a relatively low risk activity to begin with. Again, not an expert so I’d do a little more digging before committing to one. And let me see if I can find the Lemmy thread for ya.