So I hop on reddit (big mistake ik) and I see this headline about China performing forced sterilizations on Uighur women. I look at the article and is there any actual evidence? Of course not. Its some woman in a Turkish nail salon who claims she performed 500 abortions. I’d like to remind you that Uighur birthrates are only down 4% across China, likely a consequence of increased development.*
So how do the top minds at reddit react?
Modern day Nazis
Neo Nazis
I’d go with Turbonazis
And when people challenge this completely unsourced claim…
Skepticism is good but there is no reason to assume things are not worse than what is being reported.
Weird how this accounts ONLY posts are defending the CCP in their 2 years active. Weird considering the CCP has an active social media campaign paying people to deflect and defend them…
Why do people believe things that are likely just propaganda? Is it 9:00 AM at Langley or do all Americans have brainworms?
*Edit: Seems I misinterpreted this stat, the 4% is a national figure not specific to the Uighur people.
they also built a national high speed rail network in just a few years
then there are programs like this one:
Yes, I’m sure the sight of TGVs prompted the Uighurs to stop fucking.
Look, I get it. There were some dissident, domestic Wahhabist sects that didn’t want to play ball, so China had to rein them in. But creepy population control is still dystopian population control.
you acknowledge in your previous comment that development (including infrastructure that massively changes economic opportunities) has a direct effect, and then attempt to erase all the other national focused investment, including the link I provided, with this kind of reductive misreading?
eat my shit and hair
I’m saying it’s all the above.
Sure, there’s some broad development projects, but to see birth rates halved in a little over a few years and think there’s no hijinx involved baffles me.