They displayed online scores only, which are written mostly by angry people who want to fuck the bunny
It’s angry people who hate LeBron for various reasons including conservatives who hate BLM and “support” HK protests. It’s from PC alarmists who are angry that Pepe le Pew was not included in the new Space Jam. And there’s probably some Disney/Marvel fan boys who gave it bad reviews all who’ve never bothered watching it.
It’s basically like the original Space Jam. Cheesy, slapstick humour where most of its entertainment value comes from having an NBA superstar play basketball with looney tunes
How much of an impact could that really have though?
Furries are like 1% of the general population and furries who would throw a fit over bunny tits is less than 1% of that.
Furries are like 1% of the general population
On reddit:
/r/furry - 238,729 subs
/r/yiff - 269,055 subs
Conclusion: Significantly more people want to fuck the bunny than want to be the bunny.