China ain’t degrowing, they’re growing, like rapidly.
You can totally argue it’s a more well planned, sustainable growth (I’d argue that), but Xi ain’t exactly making people go back to living in mud huts and farming rice now is he.
OK so when I first read about degrowth I assumed it was just eco-austerity but it isn’t really. It’s more like degrow the pointless and useless parts of the economy, develop sustainable and useful parts of it etc. While there isn’t a 100% unified understanding of degrowth, my favorite interpretations are very similar to Marx in how they approach increases in productivity
Any legitimate and not primitivist or eco-fascist idea of Degrowth knows and accepts that growth will have to occur in the poorer nations, however it should be done with the assistance of rich nations while the rich nations themselves scale down their economies. This doesn’t mean Pol Pot killing fields for the west, rather a whole lot more locally produced food, no more funko pop manufacturing, renewable energy and transportation etc. Cities and manufacturing will still have to exist, as how else will we produce solar panels, medical machinery, other complex goods and of course productive exports to poorer nations to speed up their sustainable growth. And since cities exist, so too will rural farms creating surpluses in food to export to these cities.
TL;DR degrowth isn’t crazy when leftists do it
no more funko pop manufacturing
Well what’s the point of fucking life then???
I 100% agree with you and so does the author of the article.
While I was reading it “Cultural Revolution” was what I was thinking but the author instead says “So first and foremost, the revolution that is needed is a revolution in consciousness.”
So doesn’t have the connotation of cultural revolution but I’m pretty sure we’ve all got the same idea that the capital-whipped mind of Americans need to be de-wormed