oh hey sbut
mmm yes $600 rent $20 health insurance very reasonable estimates
Yeah like you’re not going to qualify for SNAP if you’ve got a second job. Are they basically saying you should swipe big Macs all day? Lol
Jesus Christ. Also 2k/month is like assuming they pay no tax. Workers are taxed at like 30% which is higher than the crying PMC in the meme.
It’s more like:
1st job: $960
2nd job: $480
Total: $1440
Rent: $700
Utilities/Internet: $120
Car payment: $300
Insurance: $75 car, no health
Groceries: $300
Savings: no
Leftover: $145 for leisure
That $145 is also for taking care of your kids if you have them and covering whatever emergencies inevitably happen to you. Also, you can only get liability on your car, so any accident and you lose one or both your jobs and with no health insurance, you are basically fucked.
This is also assuming 60hr weeks at $10/hr with 30% taken out for taxes. It’s closer to 20% if you do max witholding, but there’s also state, local, and sales tax not included in that base federal rate that add up to close to 30%
Kinda crazy how 1/5th of our income goes directly to taxes when initially income tax was limited to the wealthy. I’d be okay with it if we recieved that much back in public services, but all we get is police, military, and bank bailouts.