they’re so big they get the largest bailout in US history.
If that happens and there’s a GOP president: “We are giving BlackRock a $2.7T bailout. This is good. It owns the libs. In fact - it fucks the libs.” Flag waving follows.
If it happens and here’s a dem president: “To stabilize the housing sector and to stop economic difficulties we utilizing $2.7T in federal funds. This is not a bailout. I repeat - this is not a bailout…” and then a dozen minutes of rationalizations, euphemisms, and outright lies follow.
In both cases the BlackRock CEO buys Guam - because he can. It becomes his own private island. The US military presence will stay. Of course it does. He negotiated a 100 year lease for them at truly insane prices. Plus - the military will unofficially serve for free as private security force, his maintenance staff, etc.