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People should be allowed to have sex when they’re younger, it’s pretty natural. The problem comes when you have older individuals grooming them or using their naivete to suit their own goals. Wether that be for pedophilic reasons or pornographic ones (18+).
I don’t really see how blanket bans would work, except for the lower end and maybe if there was age gap clauses. It would be case by case thing for the over 16 instances.
Different people are different, so setting a specific age is always going to set the age too high for some people, and too low for others. Age of consent is always going to be a compromise as a result. Like I’ve met plenty of people in their mid-late twenties who were so emotionally immature I’d feel like a creep dating them, even when they were older than me.
I think there are two different perspectives of these things, because I know that when I was a teenager I wanted to have sex with all sorts of people. My desire for sex back then isn’t especially different than it is right now.
I still think it’s weird when someone much older goes after someone much younger, but like age of consent isn’t just about the older person.