It’s honestly really weird and awkward when people respond with some obvious cartoon picture in their head of who the other person is that they made up entirely based on zero information prior to responding…This cartoon character shit is libby nonsense.
This is the same site where anyone who says something against the extreme ideological consensus is called a fascist right?
Depends what kind of fascism we’re talking about. Palingenetic ultranationalist fascism? No. Imperialism? Sure. State repression? Sure. Claiming people live in a democracy when everyone spends 10 hours a day working at a dictatorship? Sure.
It really depends. There are several types of fascism on a sort of spectrum that lead into one another in a systemic way.
I think another way to look at it is in the same light as how people call healthcare “socialist”. Yes it is socialist in the sense that it’s a policy that socialists like and support. Is it socialism itself? No. Is it a socialist feature? Yes. Do you live under fascism? No. Do you live with fascist features? Absolutely yes. If you advocate for something that is a fascist feature and someone says “that’s fascist”, I think you should be seeing it in the same light as someone saying “that’s socialist” when point a finger at the advocation for healthcare or democratic workplaces and so on.
Your attitude doesn’t sound like you’re making a particularly good-faith attempt at conversation. If that isn’t going to change then I’m going to have to ask you to post a picture of your dick.
I agree completely with what you’ve said, but I was explicitly referring to calling people fascists, not identifying statements or societal features as fascist. As you alluded to in your reply it’s the parallel version of when Republican boomers label anyone advocating for i.e. Health Care For All as a “Socialist!” , and use that as a blanket method of dismissing them as unworthy of listening to. I will not be posting a picture of my penis at this time, and without wanting to make a big deal of it, find that meme kind of grossly sexual and gendered in a way that cuts against the admirably gender progressive nature of this site and movement.
You started this interaction with an attack using prison rape I don’t think you’re in any position to make a moral argument about “grossly sexual” things in this interaction. If gendered things are an issue then put your pronouns on your profile, ironically I DO have mine up and you still made a misgendered prison rape attack though.