Those engaged in evil always go after those exposing their villainy the most viciously.
Albury (The leaker) arrived (at prison) in November 2018 and was treated, to his surprise, like a celebrity. The antigovernment militia and sovereign-citizen types, who had a particular hatred for the feds, wanted to shake his hand and do him favors. That quite a few of the sovereigns were white supremacists didn’t seem to deter them. “They saw me as one of them, which was bizarre,” he says, “but it was easier to take than some of the law-enforcement guys who thought we should be friends.” Michael Slager, the South Carolina police officer who killed an unarmed Black man named Walter Scott in 2015, was particularly friendly to Albury. Former law-enforcement officers needed to stick together, Slager suggested. Albury walked away. I am nothing like you, he thought.
This guy seems cool. Thanks for the article, I really enjoyed it.