“Progressives” use political change like priests use Heaven
Why did the 2016 election have decades-long consequences but the 2020 election didn’t? :thinkin-lenin:
Perhaps the separations of power was really meant to separate the workers from power? :thinkin-lenin:
Separations of power were meant to make the feds beholden to Congress above all, with Congress designed to distribute power based on the interests of the economic elites between states. The Senate was given the most power, by far, and would only be elected by states, while eligibility to vote was restricted to land-owning white men, and practically, those who had the means to take time away to vote as well (and run for office).
Also, the judicial branch’s power was stolen bureaucratically and is barely specified in the Constitution. So neat that far-reaching policy is dictated based on an electoralist slot machine that was given power based on a bureaucratic gotcha question in a system that was supposedly meant to adapt itself to the needs of the times.