I’m still young enough where the major onset Covid effects won’t affect me too bad, where I’m fearful is what’s going to happen to be later down the line, when I’m like 60; bad lungs, balding, will I go sterile, some werid fucked up shit behold my wildest dreams? fuck if I know, hoping for a quick and speedy climate heat death :agony-mescaline:
whether climate death or pandemic death, the earth is definitely trying to get rid of us lol
the earth is definitely trying to get rid of us lol
I know this is anti-Marxist but I got into idealism as a framework for metaphysics and to cope with impending climate collapse I like to tell myself that this Earth is essentially kind of like a videogame for whatever weird spiritual force underlies material reality and humanity was sort of flawed from the start and this particular instance of material experience is just slated to end to clear the way for something new
there’s literally zero evidence that we’re not just meat robots
This is my shit.
We might ultimately be dreams, but may your dream be ever resonant and lucid.
when I’m like 60 … balding
I should have been so lucky. My hair was thinning in my 20s. And when I was in my early 30s - I started shaving my head.
Family genes are on my side, nearly everyone on my dads side kept a full head of hair well into thier retirement.
My mom’s cousins went bald young. They were about 10 and 15 years older than me. And I look a lot like them. When I was a kid and a teenager I thought it was sort of hilarious that they wore baseball caps to hide their baldness. It wasn’t quite so funny once I noticed my hair thinning a bit in my early 20s.