I mean, I’ve worked jobs where everyone there was there because they were neorodivergent and would suffer in another job. Shit like backcountry guiding, trail building, ski guiding, etc. I think there is a genetic component.
That said, the article’s still trash, and Horroway’s right about everything 😉
I mean yeah, genes can have an impact. Someone who can eat dairy products without any problems is more likely to be a cheesemaker than someone who throws up after eating cheese. However, all the places where genes might make an impact the person will figure out for themselves, we won’t need to analyze them to figure it out. It wasn’t some secret allele that makes people predisposed to trail-guiding, it was a very obvious genetic difference that they dealt with themselves.
It wasn’t some secret allele that makes people predisposed to trail-guiding
I have the tolerating condescending rich people for weeks on end allel
I mean, I think its heavily overstated. People love to create a hostile work environment and then attribute attrition to “bad fit” rather than “shit management”.
But yes, this article is on a whole lower level of shit takes.
backcountry guiding, trail building, ski guiding, etc.
these have a lot of neurodivergent people?